Brody’s Fund & Caring for Coy


Two community members experienced watching their son and daughter-in-law struggle when they lost their newborn son as a stillborn. It was after this experience they realized how hard this was both emotionally & financially for young parents who are not only suffering an enormous emotional loss, but who are also responsible for medical and funeral costs. SO… they decided to do something about it. They approached UBMC with the idea of creating “Brody’s Fund”, which is named after their grandson Brody Crozier (son of Brendon & Tiffany Crozier). The fund was set up and is now providing financial assistance for funeral and medical costs ($5000 allowance per case) to help those who experience such a loss.

If a mother (a tri-county resident, who has chosen a UBMC OB-GYN as her caregiver during the pregnancy, in her second or third trimester) delivers at UBMC and a stillbirth or a fetal demise occurs, the staff immediately working with the patient contacts a representative of Brody’s Fund. The family then meets with this representative and it is explained to them that a hold has been placed on all medical bills, so the bills will be directed to Brody’s Fund before going to the family. Also, this representative contacts the chosen mortuary to direct all associated funeral/burial costs directly to the representative of Brody’s Fund. When available, funds are distributed up to $5,000 per case (max of $1500 funeral/burial costs with the remaining to cover medical costs) so that the family can properly grieve while lessening the financial stress associated with such a loss.

This fund has been a blessing to 80+ families already. Keep in mind that if funds aren’t available, we cannot provide the assistance needed to these families. We are passionate about Brody’s Fund and will continue to strive to raise funds to support such a worthwhile cause.

If you have questions about Brody’s Fund or you would like to make a donation, contact Maigen Zobell by emailing or call (435) 725-2036. You may also donate via Venmo by clicking here

Brody’s Fund is established under Uintah Basin Medical Center’s 501C-3.


The “Caring for Coy” program was started when two community members, Jeremy & Nicole Maycock lost their newborn son, Coy. Through Nicole’s experience, she saw a need for care kits and burial kits to provide much needed items during a heartbreaking experience. Nicole’s vision has grown into community-wide service with items being made and donated to support the cause. The Caring for Coy program offers care kits and burial kits with hand-made items such as blankets, outfits, jewelry, hats, diapers, gowns and tuxes so those who lose an infant (often in early stages) have beautiful items to dress their angel baby in as they hold their baby for the first time and later lay them to rest.

If you’d like to donate items to this cause, please visit our Service Opportunities page.

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