Dialysis Center
Uintah Basin Healthcare Dialysis Centers in both Roosevelt and Vernal are Medicare Certified End-Stage Renal Dialysis (ESRD) facilities. Both Vernal and Roosevelt UBH Dialysis Centers are certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). UBH Dialysis Centers in both Roosevelt and Vernal offer renal replacement therapy (dialysis) to patients with chronic kidney disease and acute renal disease. A dedicated interdisciplinary team of providers work together to provide comprehensive care to patients with chronic kidney disease. Our interdisciplinary dialysis team is made up of a board-certified nephrologist, registered nurses, renal dietitians, dialysis technicians and nephrology social workers. For patient comfort, each center is equipped with recliners, personal TVs with headphone connections and more.
UBH Dialysis is dedicated to improving the lives of our patients and families through education, quality centered care, and empowering/educating patients to become more involved in their own care. The new UBH Vernal Dialysis facility along with our Roosevelt Dialysis facility will be able to provide all of the above, along with convenience and quality that will offer an improved experience for patients in the Vernal, Roosevelt and surrounding areas.
For more information, call: Roosevelt 435-725-2008, Vernal 435-781-2335.

Roosevelt Dialysis
The Roosevelt Dialysis Center is open Monday through Saturday from 5:00 AM to 5 PM during a morning and afternoon shift with 20 patient station capacity including an isolation room and dedicated COVID Pod.

Vernal Dialysis
The Vernal Dialysis Center is our brand new, state of the art, 12 patient station capacity for morning and afternoon shifts including an isolation room.
The Vernal Dialysis Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:00 AM to 5 PM.
Newly Diagnosed?
Access additional resources and support by clicking here.
Are you at risk for kidney disease?
Anyone can develop kidney problems, but you are more at risk if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or a family history of diabetes. You are also more at risk if you are African American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian, or are over 60 years old.
March is National Kidney Month.
1 in 3 American adults is at risk for kidney disease. Kidneys are very important! They remove waste, balance fluids and minerals, control blood pressure, keep bones healthy, regulate hormones and help make red blood cells. Kidney disease can disrupt vital functions. What can you do? Learn more at kidney.org/kidney-basics.
April is National Donate Life Month.
More than 100,000 people are waiting for a lifesaving transplant. Learn how you can register to be a donor at donatelife.net today.