Phone Usage

While UBMC recognizes that non-employed staff may occasionally need to make or accept a personal telephone call while on duty, such calls should be very minimal. This applies to both cell phone use and landlines. If a personal call is required, it should be as brief as possible. Failure to follow this policy may result in discipline, up to and including dismissal, and in addition, may result in the non-employee being banned from using his/her cell phone in the workplace. Non-employees may not make long distance calls from UBMC telephones except in an emergency and may be required to reimburse UBMC for any charges resulting from their personal use of UBMC telephones.

Non-employees that need to make long distance phone calls to accomplish work assignments must be assigned a 3-5 digit security code. It is the department managers’ responsibility to make approval for long distance use and set up a security code through the Maintenance Manager.

Personal Use of Computers and Facilities

UBMC equipment such as computers, printers, phones, email, copy machines, video machines, the Internet and other equipment are provided for legitimate business-related uses. This equipment may only be used for personal purposes or community service with the supervisor’s permission. The use of UBMC equipment or resources for projects which result in personal gain, wages or pay is prohibited, and may result in disciplinary action. The Hospital’s equipment and resources may not be used for personal reasons during the employee’s regular working hours. You may use a personal computer after hours for personal purposes (i.e. papers for school, keeping a journal, etc.) only if prior arrangements have been made.

Outside Software and Games

All outside software (including shareware or other software brought in across the Internet) must be pre-approved by the non-employee’s immediate manager and must be work-related. Verification must be made that outside software is virus free before it can be installed on any Hospital computer. Under no conditions will the Hospital condone the use of unlicensed software for any reason or at any time. Any non-employee that is found to have unauthorized software on their computer will face disciplinary action up to and including immediate dimissal.

Monitoring of Communications Instruments and Facilities

UBMC may provide non-employees with use of electronic and other information systems such as the telephone, computer, e-mail, the Internet, voice mail, and others (“Communication Systems”). UBMC’s Communication Systems are intended for business-related purposes only. However, UBMC’s confidential and business interests require UBMC to reserve the right to access and, when appropriate, disclose information created or sent on its Communication Systems. As noted above, the Hospital’s e-mail, internet and computer systems are made available for business use. While some incidental personal use of the above systems is allowed, such personal use must be minimal and must not interfere with a non-employed staff member’s work duties or performance. Moreover such use must comply with the policies and rules set forth in this policy. Excessive or inappropriate personal use of the e-mail, internet or computer systems is not allowed. Monitoring of telephone conversations between customers and non-employees may be used as a tool to assist non-employees in providing superior customer service.

UBMC non-employed staff members are prohibited from using unauthorized codes, passwords, or other means to gain access to voice mail boxes of Internet e-mail of others. All Communication Systems must be used in a professional and appropriate manner. Communicating on these Communication Systems should be treated the same as distribution of a written document. Rude, inappropriate or offensive messages with racial, sexual, religious or other harassing content are strictly prohibited.

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