Guidelines for Appropriate Behavior:
Non-employed staff members are expected to maintain appropriate standards of conduct; to perform their service responsibilities effectively, efficiently and with integrity; and to treat patients, clients, co-workers and all others encountered while at work with courtesy and respect. Types of behavior and conduct which Uintah Basin Healthcare (UBH) considers inappropriate and intolerable and which may be cause for discipline up to and including immediate termination include, but are not limited to:

1. Releasing confidential health care information, employee, and/or patient information to any one without proper authorization.

2. Falsification of company documents, such as medical records, or any other document that would cause harm to Uintah Basin Healthcare.

3. Conviction of a felony.

4. Theft of any kind.

5. Misuse of Uintah Basin Healthcare funds or property of employees, non-employed staff members, patients, or visitors.

6. Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace, while on duty, volunteering services, or while operating employer – owned vehicles/equipment.

7. Reporting to assigned service or work area while intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs, using non-prescribed drugs while on duty, or abuse of prescription drugs.

8. Disorderly conduct or disruptive behavior on Uintah Basin Healthcare property, including, but not limited to fighting, threatening, intimidating, coercing, sexually harassing, or physically assaulting UBH personnel, non-employed staff members patients, or visitors.

9. Unauthorized possession of weapons or firearms on UBH property.

10. Solicit contributions. Acceptance of anything of monetary value from any supplier or contractor, and not following established UBH procedure for such occurrences.

11. Insubordination, the refusal to obey a legitimate directive from the supervisor or designated supervisor.

12. Use of obscene or abusive language, malicious gossip or the spreading of rumors. Unwillingness or inability to work in harmony with others.

15. Disregard for the safety of other employees, non-employed staff members or patients.

16. Violation of work practices, federal laws, state laws, or company regulations.

17. Violation of safety practices.

18. Smoking in unauthorized areas.

19. Conduct on or off the job that is contrary to the common decency or morality of the community or that reflects unfavorably upon the corporation.

20. Software piracy or the use of unlicensed software.

21. Accessing a file server, Internet or other repository of UBH information without a legitimate business purpose.

UBH retains the right, in its sole discretion, to determine what conduct is inappropriate and the sanction to be applied, up to and including termination. UBH also reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including termination when the non-employed staff member’s performance, service and work habits, overall attitude, conduct or demeanor become unsatisfactory in the judgment of UBH, whether based on the above guidelines or other policies, standards or rules.

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