Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Feb 2020: Hello again everyone. I am writing today to give you some information on abnormal uterine bleeding. This is a common problem for women, affecting them from teen years into menopause. Abnormal bleeding can be irregular, which is an unpredictable menstrual cycle, or heavy when bleeding becomes excessive during menses. Some patients will have a combination of the two.
What is a “normal” menstrual cycle? Roughly, menses usually occur every 21-35 days, last 5-7 days, and range from 5-80 cc of blood loss. Quantification of blood loss can be done by using a menstrual cup or by estimation of blood loss by frequency and amount of soaking tampons or pads. How an individual perceives the amount of bleeding can also cause distress. If your menses are bothersome to you, we would like to see you.
There are many reasons for abnormal bleeding. Some of these include hormonal issues that cause problems with ovulation, uterine polyps or fibroids, cervical or uterine infections, bleeding disorders, uterine/cervical cancer or problems with menopause. It is important to see your gynecologist to diagnose the problem and then devise a treatment plan to help.
Depending on the nature of your diagnosis, there are many therapies that are effective. We often use hormonal methods of birth control to treat bleeding, especially if you are in your childbearing years. Long term contraceptives, such as the progesterone intrauterine device can be utilized to minimize heavy bleeding. If medical treatment is not working and you do not desire future children, surgical options can be explored. These include endometrial ablation and hysterectomy.
This blog is meant to be a starting point for discussion, so if you would like to ask questions or get help, please call UBH Women’s Health at (435)722-4652 in Roosevelt or (435)781-2030 in Vernal.
Stay active everyone,
Dr. Nolte
UBH Women’s Health