May 2024 – Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month
Learn more about asthma and allergies and how you can get involved in your communities.
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December 2022: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from all of us at Uintah Basin Healthcare!
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November 2022: Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Join us this month in raising awareness for this serious disease.
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January 2022: Glaucoma Awareness
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, an important time to spread the word about this sight-stealing disease.
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December 2021: Merry Christmas
At Uintah Basin Healthcare, this Christmas we reflect on what brings us joy… This season, find what makes you happy. We wish you a healthy, happy holiday season.
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November 2021: Diabetes Awareness Month
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Most people know there are two types of diabetes, but not everyone understands the difference between them…
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October 2021: Admire The Survivors
Uintah Basin Healthcare, Urban Tulip Studios and Ooh LaLa & Friends invite you to “Admire The Survivors” as we feature five local breast cancer survivors and celebrate all fighters and survivors here in the Basin…
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September 2021: Childhood Obesity
About 1 in 5 (19%) children in the United States struggle with obesity. Children with obesity are at higher risk for having other chronic health conditions…
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July 2021: UBMC has a new Spect/CT!
A SPECT/CT is a combination of a SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scan with a CT (Computed Tomography) scan.
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June 2021: Wound Care Awareness
Did U Know? Almost 7 million people in the U.S. are living with a chronic wound right now…
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May 2021: Stroke, Arthritis, Allergies and more.
May brings many important health awareness items such as Strokes, arthritis, asthma/allergy, and mental health…
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April 2021: Suicide Prevention
Let’s talk about suicide. Risk factors and warning signs don’t always predict a suicide, but they’re important to be aware of.
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March 2021: Colonoscopy Awareness & More
This month’s blog will focus on a few important health awareness items that take place in March including colorectal cancer, endometriosis, sleep, nutrition and kidney health…
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February 2021: Let’s talk from the Heart
February brings some important health awareness topics that deserve some attention. Let’s talk from the heart about heart disease, cancer and eating disorders… three things that affect many people…
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January 2021: Start the New Year with Health Awareness
January has some important health awareness events.
Thyroid Disease Awareness Month: 1 in 10 people suffer from a thyroid disorder…
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December 2020: Worrisome Wound?
Chronic wounds affect approximately 6.7 million people in the United States. 1 in 4 family members are affected, and that number is expected to rise at a rate of 2% annually over the next decade. We can help…
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December 2020: Flu Vaccination Week
December 1-6 is National Influenza Vaccination Week. The typical flu season runs October through May. A yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older is the first…
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November: Diabetes & Lung Cancer
November brings many important health awareness items. In this blog, we’re going to focus on Diabetes & Lung Cancer Awareness…
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September: Top Health Concerns
Uintah Basin Healthcare recently completed a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), which results in showcasing our community’s perception of top health concerns.
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August: Immunization Awareness Month
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). This annual observance highlights the importance of getting recommended vaccines throughout your life. You have the power to protect…
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August: Children’s Eye Health/Safety Month
Whether your kids are going back to school or choosing virtual learning, it’s a great time to schedule an eye check-up. Good vision and overall eye health are vital to learning.
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Skin Cancer
SKIN CANCER is the most common of all cancer types. More than 5.4 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States.
Skin cancers often don’t cause bothersome symptoms until they have grown quite large. Then they may itch, bleed, or even hurt. But typically, they can be seen or felt long before they reach this point…
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Lung Cancer Screening
The American Cancer Society estimates nearly 229k new cases of lung cancer and nearly 146k deaths from lung cancer in the U.S. for 2020. Despite the very serious outlook of lung cancer, some people with earlier-stage cancers are cured.
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Mental Health Awareness Month
I hope this message finds all of you well. May is coincidentally Mental Health Awareness Month, and it really couldn’t happen at a better time. We are blessed to live in a beautiful rural area with a wide variety of outdoor activities at our doorstep. In the current age of social distancing and tele-everything, let’s not forget to get outside for some fresh air, natural light…
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April: Donate Life Month
National Donate Life Month (NDLM) was established by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations in 2003. Observed in April each year, National Donate Life Month helps to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to honor those that have saved lives through the gift of donation.
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Mental Health During COVID-19
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones Changes in sleep or […]
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March is National Kidney Month
Kidneys are one of the body’s important organs. Some of the ways kidneys help us stay healthy are through signaling the body to produce red blood cells, balancing electrolytes so muscles–including the heart–function properly, keeping bones healthy, filtering out toxins and some drugs. Loss of kidney function will cause death if dialysis or a transplant […]
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Colorectal Awareness
March 2020: March is Colorectal Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer (often called colon cancer) occurs in the colon or rectum. The colon is the large intestine or large bowel. The rectum is the passageway that connects the colon to the anus. Sometimes abnormal growths called polyps form in the colon or rectum, which may turn into […]
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February is Heart Month
Feb 2020: Heart Disease doesn’t just happen to older adults. It is happening to younger adults more often, partly because conditions leading to heart disease are becoming more common in younger populations. Conditions and behaviors that are putting people at risk for heart disease include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, obesity, diabetes, physical […]
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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Feb 2020: Hello again everyone. I am writing today to give you some information on abnormal uterine bleeding. This is a common problem for women, affecting them from teen years into menopause. Abnormal bleeding can be irregular, which is an unpredictable menstrual cycle, or heavy when bleeding becomes excessive during menses. Some patients will have a combination of the […]
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Women’s Health Annual Exams
JAN 2020: Since we have just celebrated a new year, this is a good time to emphasize the need for annual physical examination for women. Patients often ask me hopefully that annual exams may not be necessary. However, while your need for an actual pap smear may not be every year, an annual exam is […]
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National Suicide Prevention Week
Suicide prevention starts well before the thoughts of suicide begin. It is a complicated issue, with most people feeling helpless at some point along the way, whether that be the person experiencing suicidal ideation, friends, family members, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc.
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Our Foundation Is Service
In our Healing Model we learn about assisting with compassion. Genuine service is the greatest example of this. For centuries, the greatest minds have suggested that happiness is found in serving others. “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give” said Winston Churchill. This organization was built […]
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More Than Just A Number
In our healing model, we learn that patient satisfaction doesn’t guarantee patient loyalty – in fact, SATISFACTION IS DANGEROUS. Why? If you have a bad experience, you tell MANY people. If you have a great experience, you tell a FEW people. If you are simply just satisfied, nothing happens. Therefore, to truly gain patient loyalty […]
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