June 2024 – Wound Healing Awareness Month

Nearly 7 million Americans are living with chronic wounds, including 2 million who are living with diabetic foot ulcers. In fact, 1 in 4 families has a family member with a chronic wound. The longer a chronic or non-healing wound goes without proper treatment, the greater the chance of infection, hospitalization or even amputation. As our population ages and conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease increase, more people are at risk for non-healing wounds. These factors make the prevalence of wound care anticipated to grow 2% per year over the next 5-10 years. According to data collected from The American Journal of Managed Care, this results in $50 billion in annual Medicare costs.

Non-healing wounds limit the quality of life and even life expectancy. If left untreated, these wounds can lead to severe complications. Delays in care have caused amputation rates to rise, even more so during the pandemic. Early treatment is essential and results in better outcomes. Spreading education about wound care helps patients understand that non-healing wounds are treatable.

To learn more about treatment of non-healing wounds, please click here.


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